Exit Strategy – Everyone Needs One

When’s the best time to plan your exit strategy? The answer may surprise you. (And even if you don’t think you need one, watch anyway because you’ll get some new ideas.) In this very informative video, Robert Rimberg discusses what situations call for an exit strategy, and how to get started with that important business… Read more »

Who Answers Your Phone?

First impression is essential – who is the first person your potential clients will speak to when they call your company? Are you losing money right from the start by the way in which customers are asked to communicate with your company? Listen to Rob’s ideas of the risk some businesses take by not thinking… Read more »

What Can You Do If You Have A BAD Business Partner?

If you are thinking about creating a partnership, you’ll definitely want to listen to Rob’s view on partnerships and partnership agreements. And, if you are already in a partnership, you will get some ideas on what to do and what to avoid. Thanks for watching!

Should You Own Multiple Business Entities?

Have you ever entertained the idea of having “Multiple Entities”, but never applied your thoughts into a real-time formula?  Here are some ideas on what you can do and how it may change your perspective. Thanks for watching.

Insurance Tips

If your Property and Casualty Insurance is up for renewal, Rob’s comments can save you thousands of dollars. Be sure to listen carefully!

How To STOP From Hitting The Wall

How do you STOP from hitting the wall? Are you losing sleep, because you’re worrying about your finances? Please watch my video; it may help relieve some of the financial stress we all feel from time to time.


Personal Income tax returns are due April 15th. Why are so many individuals filing for extensions?